Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Managing Employee Compensation and Benefits Essay

Introduction Libraries and Information Centres’ services in Nigeria are being regarded as humanitarian services and therefore issue of compensation and benefits are not well defined. However, other forms of financial assistance embedded in the Nigeria civil service rule include things like Monetization, National Health Insurance Scheme, Contributory Pension, and Pension Benefits; all of which staff of Libraries and Information Centres also benefit from. Aside this is the Annual Appraisal Form (Aperform) that contains basic requirements expected of an employee before he can be promoted. Nigerian Universities also makes use of this to assess staff in order to determine their remuneration as at when due. For corporate body organizations where special libraries and information centres form part of the organization, compensation and benefits will depend on the annual appraisal or job satisfaction based on criteria spell out in their organization’s handbook. Evaluation forms also contains inter alia: what you are expected to do according to your job descriptions, your relationship with staff, creativity, sense of direction, delegation of duty, which will be rated as either fair, good, very good, satisfactory and excellence. All these indices hinges on employees’ performances. Though an employer compensates his employee with motivation and benefits based on job performance, there is need for job satisfaction. Every employer expects certain degree of result oriented services that would fall in line with his vision and mission while every employee demands job satisfaction. Ordinarily, the management of people at work is an integral part of the management process, put differently, managers need to understand the critical importance of people in their organizations so as to recognize that the human element and the organization are synonymous. (Tella, Adeyemi, and Popoola, 2007) Therefore, it is imperative to compensate an employee with benefits if he merits it. Cascio (2003) opines that because of the importance that compensation holds for people’s lifestyle and self-esteem, individuals are very concerned about what they are paid – a fair and competitive wage, while organizations are also concerned about what they pay because it motivates important decisions  of employees about taking a job, leaving a job and on the job performance. Compensation as a concept according to (Bernadin, 2007) refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible benefits that employee receives as part of employment relationship. Compensation as it were is divided into two parts and these are cash compensation which is the direct pay provided by employer for work performed by the employee and fringe compensation which refers to employee benefit programs. Cash compensation has two elements which include base pay and pay contingent. Base pay has to do with hourly or weekly wages plus overtime pay, shift differential and uniform allowance while pay contingent is concerned with performance allowances such as merit increases, incentive pay bonuses and gain sharing. Fringe compensation on the other hand refers to employee benefits programs. Fringe compensation also has two parts to it which are legally required benefit programs and discretional benefits. Legally required benefit programs include social security, workers compensation while discretional programs include health benefits, pension plans, paid time off, tuition reimbursement, recognition award, foreign service premiums, responsibility allowance, child care, on campus accommodation, promotion, annual increment and a host of others ( Cascio, 2003; Dessler, 2005; Bernadin,2007). Benefits, in a nutshell are the indirect financial and non-financial payments employees receive for continuing their employment with an organization. The concept of employee compensation and benefits cannot be discussed in a vacuum. Various studies have established that salaries and benefits are closely related to job satisfaction (St. Lifer, 1994); and job satisfaction can bring about motivation which in turn affects employee job performance and organizational commitment. Statement of the Problem If one turns his attention solely to academic libraries in Nigeria, it has been observed that certain compensation and benefits enjoyed by faculty lecturers are not extended to practicing academic librarians. The reason may not be farfetched in the sense that the edict that established universities has always considered the university library as a supporting unit, thus placing it and its employees as a second value. This study therefore aims at identifying those benefits and compensation enjoyed by academic staff and  denied professional libraries and its effects on librarians’ job performance and satisfaction; with a view to recommending a way out of the situation. Objectives of the Study This study seeks to achieve the following objectives: 1. To identify the various forms of benefits provided for by library employers. 2. To establish other forms of compensation that academic librarians would like to enjoy outside their salary. 3. To ascertain if there are any other types of benefits enjoyed by their counterparts within the organization that is not extended to them. 4. To establish the relationship between compensation, benefits and job satisfaction among academic librarians Reaction The findings of this study revealed that there is a relationship between employee compensation and job satisfaction as 66.75% of the participants affirmed that they are satisfied with the salary they receive. This is in agreement with St. Lifer (1994) who stated that salaries and benefits are related to job satisfaction. Even at that, 68.6% of the participants would like to be paid overtime/shifting allowance in addition to their salary while 83.3% suggested hazard allowance. However, 29.4% of the participant who probably are sectional heads suggested responsibility allowance. This may not be out of place since their counterparts in the faculty who are heads of departments receive responsibility allowance. After all, some sections of the library have the same number of personnel or more than we have in the departments. Also, the following forms of benefits as revealed by the study are enjoyed by library personnel though at a different level and various percentages. In other of their rating from Babcock University they are: health care, pension, in- service training, retirement plans, child care and conferences/workshop allowance. From University of Lagos, ratings are as follows: in- service training, annual leave, conferences and workshops, promotion, health care, pension and social security. From Lagos State University: annual increment, on campus accommodation in-service training, health care and child care. Findings revealed that insignificant number of participants benefitted from other forms of employee benefits  such as on – campus accommodation, foreign service premiums, tuition refund, reversal of wrong done and conferences/seminars. However, some of the benefits are not available at all to some of the participants. These include: social security, Foreign Service premiums, and on- campus accommodation. The study has revealed that apart from the available forms of benefits to participants, there are others enjoyed by their counterparts in the faculty which they are exempted from. This finding has shown some level of inequity in benefits within these organizations and so cannot be said to be satisfactory. After all satisfaction on a job could be motivated by the nature of the job, its pervasive social climate and extent to which workers peculiar needs are met (Tella, Ayeni, Popoola, 2007); and working condition that are similar to that of other professions in the locality (Oshagbemi, 2000). Other salient issues raised by participants ranged from exclusion from teaching course work especially that which has to do with students’ use of library which has been hijacked by faculty academic staff, to late night closing without any arrangement on how they will get to their various destinations. This exposes personnel to danger and constitutes security risk. Also some of the respondents complained of not benefitting from some of the internally generated revenue from non-degree awarding programs available in these institutions even when they are made to serve this group of users; whereas their counterparts at faculty benefit from the proceeds. Conclusion and Recommendations Compensation plays an important role in the recruitment and retention of librarians. Though librarians in academic libraries these days enjoy significant increase in their salaries and benefits that are generally provided by their parent institutions, there is still room for improvement. This study has revealed that in some universities, this group of people is denied some benefits that are being enjoyed by their counterparts in the faculty which may be as a result of the library being seen as a support unit of the university. There may be need for university policy makers to review this concept and see university libraries and librarians as integral part of the educational institution. The academic library human resource specialist should therefore set in motion strategies to address especially benefits packages available to library employers across board; as well as creating a  work environment that is appreciative of its employees and conducive to professional growth. The concept of work life balance (Switzer, 2004) which is valued by today’s library employee should be understood and embraced by library human resource specialist. High Income Earners Benefits & Compensation Case Study The Situation: Sam, age 58, and Susie, age 54 Three children living independently Two grandchildren Sam is a top executive of a large company with significant compensation and a benefits package with many options. Sam and Susie’s combined balance sheet tops $8 million, including some concentration in Sam’s employer stock. As Sam and Susie near retirement age, they want to be sure that they make the right financial decisions, particularly in regard to Sam’s company restricted stock awards and stock options. They have a number of things they want to do in retirement, including buying a second home and gifting to their children and grandchildren. They know the importance of making smart choices today to be able to meet these goals but need some direction. The Solution: Payne Wealth Partners’ professional team would start by developing a deep understanding of Sam’s compensation and benefits package including studying company documents and discussing each plan with his human resource department. Next, we would prepared a wealth plan illustrating where Sam and Susie stand today financially and what their future balance sheet may look like under different circumstances. By coordinating choices regarding Sam’s restricted stock awards and stock options — along with all of the other activity in their financial lives — we would be able to maximize the value realized from these company benefits. Additionally, we would work closely with Sam and Susie’s CPA to assure our recommended strategies were tax efficient and feasible, given their income tax picture. Our professional  team would be closely involved in developing and executing key strategies for exercising stock options. An important consideration would be Sam and Susie’s concentration in employer stock, with possible strategies designed to exit positions in a way that were efficient, yet still increased Sam and Susie’s chances of meeting their life goals. Payne Wealth Partners would be recommending an investment management program that considered their present employer stock concentration and that was accompanied by ongoing reporting permitting comparison to appropriate benchmark indexes. Their personal wealth plan would be the platform for relating Sam and Susie’s assets and earnings to their goals as it was revisited and updated over the years. Written recommendations for action items would been integral in staying focused and organized in these complex areas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Automobile †Stereotypes Essay

‘Stereotypes Of Mechanics’ There are many different stereotypes when it comes to taking your vehicle to a mechanic, whether it is one in your town our out. The stereotypes of mechanics will always be there. There are a lot of things that people label mechanics unjustly for such as, they tend to believe that we as mechanics’ are all stupid and un-educated, that we all are grease monkeys and we want nothing more than to rip them off. That we waste time and our prices are unfairly marked. It seems to me that the most important stereotype that gets me is when they have a tendency to think that if one mechanic did a ‘shady’ or other words un-reliable job, that that is how all mechanics are. That how in some significant way seem to think that somehow their age, religion, gender, race, and or attitude play a role in the way there vehicle is handled and serviced. I can remember a certain circumstance that happened to me in my life; it was a cold day in December 2007 at my friends’ garage, where I moonlight on the weekends. We had been working on a 1996 Toyota corolla when, a large man pulled up in his navigator. He had stated that it had been over heating, and wanted us to take a look at it. I told him it would be a few hours to leave it there because we already had a car that needed to be finished first. Well he didn’t like that, he had got mad and said: that all you mechanics are just a fucking like you rather work on that piece of shit corolla then my navigator. I had told him I am sorry he felt that way, but we do not discriminate from one customer’s car to the next, that they are all the same. He said well where I am from they would have done mine for me now; I wouldn’t had to have waited like this. That it must be are dumb redneck education and location, is why we where not smart enough to do his first, that it must be the way we where raised. So I told him that he was more then welcome to wait, if not he can take it somewhere else, he was a little upset and left. The funny thing was it was not more then an hour, when I heard a car pull up. I looked out and there was that man standing out in the driveway with my boss. They walked in; the boss had called me to his office and, said have you met my brother? I looked puzzled, he said I wanted to tell you thank you for the work you do and, wanted to test you guys to make sure you are all treating the customers’ right. Sorry I had to do this way but, hey you guys did well. So the stereotypes’ will always and, forever be there. You just have to remember that you must keep a level head, not get sucked in to stereotyping someone else. Always remember, hey when there talking about me they are just human and, when there talking about me there leaving someone else alone, even if just for a few moments.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Routes to learning and impact on end results on Exercise to Music Essay

Routes to learning and impact on end results on Exercise to Music courses - Essay Example One method of training is the Freestyle approach which expands horizons and develops abilities; while the second method is the Pre-choreographed approach which trains instructors to conform to the traditional method of following a pre-written script developed by others. The two different learning outcomes depend on the particular productive process that integrates training and learning in context with each other (Felstead et al, 2006: 1). The health and fitness club sector in the United Kingdom has experienced rapid growth since the early 1990s. The steeply rising popularity of the fitness sector has reached nation-wide coverage, and has now levelled off into a plateau. Fitness organisations changed their focus on to increasing the productivity of the centres that are currently functioning. Hence, the emphasis on retaining existing members is growing, and more resources are being devoted for the same purpose (Mintel, 2005). Among various initiatives is the exercise to music program which has become a standardised brand name, and leaves little allowance for instructor innovation and creativity (Felstead et al, 2006: 4). Most of the health and fitness clubs in the United Kingdom provide facilities for group training in a fitness room that is designated for the purpose, and is equipped with a music system, loudspeakers and full-length mirrors (Mintel, 2005). Whereas machine-based workouts do not follow a timetable, exercise to music is conducted to a time scale. The participants experience a wider range of vision as well as physical space in which to function. Group exercise has the additional benefit of building social bonds between participants, thus increasing fitness club attendance and helping to keep membership levels high (FIA, 2003). The Exercise to Music (ETM) class is led by an ETM instructor present in front of the class, sometimes on a platform. The instructor uses a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Majority Rule and Minority Rights in American Government Essay

Majority Rule and Minority Rights in American Government - Essay Example 3). Indeed, there are several places in the Constitution where suspicion of unchecked majority power is evident - from the Bill of Rights to the structure of the Senate to the Electoral College. To be sure, some historical events that ran relatively concurrent with the birth of the United States, primarily the French Revolution and its associated "Reign of Terror," provided ample illustration of the potential for majority rule to degenerate into mob rule. Majority rule means a system of government in which the will of the majority if given full force and effect within the laws and regulations of the country. It is, essentially, a pure democracy. Minority rights are those liberties and privileges that naturally accrue toward those who do not necessarily agree with the will of the majority. The latter rights have been associated with the concepts of natural law and human rights, whereby those in the minority deserve to be treated with a certain minimum level of dignity and respect simply because they are humans and citizens of the country that acknowledges and respects those natural rights. In his seminal work On Liberty, John Stuart Mill lays his doctrine of the right of individuals to act in any way they choose so long as it does not interfere with the freedom of others. This notion of liberty is essential to minority rights in a democracy. Democracy in the United States In many ways, the United States Constitution does not really set up a majority rule system - that is, it is not a true democracy. A close evaluation of the various branches of government reveals that the only body that is designed to be truly responsive to the will of the majority is the House of Representatives, established under Article 1 of the Constitution. The President is not even directly elected by the people under Article 2 of the Constitution; the Senate's lengthy six year terms arguably insulate its members from the whim of the majority (Article 1); and members of the Supreme Court, where the buck truly stops on how Americans are governed, are appointed for life by this President and Senate that are buffered from the will of the majority (Article 3). Moreover, the Constitution established a federal system in which the states retain substantial sovereignty in nearly all matters of government, greatly limiting the extent to which the central government of the U.S. has the power to impose the will of the national majority. The 10th Amendment states that all powers not specifically enumerated within the Constitution as belonging to the federal government are reserved to the states. Thus, it is necessary that some specific provision of the Constitution grants authority to the federal government in order for it to legally regulate any given area. In that vein, the commerce clause, granting to the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce, has often been heavily relied upon to justify laws enacted by Congress. This has come to the great chagrin of many strict constructionists, who have protested the Supreme Court's invoking of the commerce clause to uphold the legality of many federal laws that have had a connection t o interstate commerce that is tenuous at best. The effects of these severe

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Good Deed Report (Part 1) + Professor Memo (Incident Report - Part 2) Assignment

Good Deed Report (Part 1) + Professor Memo (Incident Report - Part 2) - Assignment Example Immediately after college, I landed a part-time job in a fast food restaurant in the city before receiving my college results. After working for a few months, I received a notification that I had qualified to pursue a degree course at the University. When admissions were close, I was preoccupied with registration and admission procedures and seldom found time to attend work. In the last week of administration, I had many follow-up activities related to my university admission and did not find time to go to work. However, Allan multitasked and served customers at the counter and food service unit. I was new at work, and it was difficult finding an employee at the restaurant to cover for me. My colleagues in the food service unit were often overwhelmed in the afternoons after working throughout the morning. Therefore, my absence was unwelcome unless I had someone to replace me at the unit to avoid overworking my colleagues. Allan was the most unlikely colleague since he was working in the accounting department, but the only employee left. It was amazing when he agreed to my request after thoroughly explaining why I would be away. The fast food restaurant was small compared to other restaurants in the city. However, the increasing number of colleges surrounding the restaurant was a potential market for expansion and growth, especially during the fall. Many factors made Allan succeed in performing both duties and tasks. Firstly, I recognized Allan has exceptional customer relations skills. It is apparent many customers arriving in the evening had delayed service because he had to juggle between receiving money from customers and serving them food. Secondly, Allan is a team player. He has never worked in the food service unit, thus, not familiar with many employees there. However, he managed to get along with the employees to offer a lasting experience to customers. Finally, I was surprised by

Read the passage and answer the four questions provided Essay

Read the passage and answer the four questions provided - Essay Example ut as by that law of out nature, which makes food necessary to the life of man, population can never actually increase beyond the lowest nourishment capable of supporting it†(Malthus, 431). Basically, this means that nature has made it so that humans must have food and water to survive, and this is how nature keeps the population in check because without enough nourishment humans will die, which keeps the population down. When the human population is at the appropriate equilibrium, there is enough food and resources to go around, which makes for a happy society. Thomas Malthus makes the assumption that the more food and resources that are available, the quicker the human population and demographics will grow. Without enough food to go around, the population is not likely to increase as the birth rates will decrease and death rates will increase, which creates a more stable population. Malthus believes that the period between the doubling of the population will be much lengthier if food becomes much more difficult to acquire(Malthus, 431). Overall, these assumption do appear to be valid in that it is common sense that without sustenance, any population is less likely to succeed and thrive. To a certain extent, the argument developed by Malthus appears to have some roots in the idea of natural selection. The overall idea with natural selection is that the strong will survive, and the weak will perish. With this type of argument in mind, it is fair to say that public relief for the poor is essentially going against natural selection. By providing food and charity to the poor, this weak population is being kept alive instead of dying off like nature intended it. Therefore, in the view of Thomas Malthus, public relief should be discontinued or halted altogether because keeping poor people alive continues the process of draining nature’s sustenance for the strong. In this way, charity is very harmful to the Earth and the human population as a whole because the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Jacksonian era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jacksonian era - Essay Example Worldwide, this time was a fairly peaceful one, taking into account various national movements and smaller wars; however, in 1848 there were mass revolutions of the lower classes in Europe. This key event had global implications which were played out over the next few decades, and vastly changed the nature of history after the Jacksonian era. What historical evidence was used by the author, Robert Remini, to write this book, and was the historical evidence accurate? The historical evidence on which this book is based is a large collection of secondary source material. Remini used a large number of texts in researching for this book – forty-three, to be precise – but it is difficult to ignore the fact that none of these appear to be primary sources. History is a field where interpretation of sources is key, and it is slightly worrying that the author would have only focused his interpretation on other interpretations rather than on any original source material. Any perso nal flaws and biases have been magnified in Remini's analysis of purely secondary sources. That said, the wide range of sources is somewhat reassuring, and without reading all forty-three books, it can only be hoped that his biases allowed him to take an accurate and fairly un-prejudiced view. How did slavery and Indian removal affect the United States during the Jacksonian era? Before Jackson's ascent to the presidency, slavery in the United States had started to come to its end. In 1822 a small group of black slaves revolted, causing the deaths and banishment of at least 72 slaves. Throughout the Jacksonian era, slave-owners â€Å"dreaded† (Remini, 59) the eventual uprising of their slaves, and an 1831 rebellion fuelled these flames. The Nat Turner Rebellion involved the murder of roughly sixty white people, but, Remini argues, had less of an influence on abolition than the example of other countries and states at the same time. The slow emancipation of the slaves caused mu ch cultural discourse, some of it constructive, some of it less so – â€Å"race riots became a regular occurrence in Jacksonian America† (61), even reaching Washington D.C. in 1835. It was feared that the abolition of slavery would shatter the Union, and indeed there was almost civil war over a slavery-related issue in the early 1830s, with threats of secession coming from several states. Ultimately the slavery issue did cause civil war, creating a stronger and more equal United States. Although the book calls it 'Indian removal', a less racist and euphemistic term would be Native American banishment or deportation. Like slavery, the banishment of Native Americans from their homes was a way in which the white leaders of society prioritized their own desires above the needs of others, to the detriment of North American society. Jackson â€Å"demanded† (46) that Native Americans concede their land to him. In 1830, a Removal Act was passed, in which Native American s were guaranteed land in the west, and transportation thereto, if they would give up their land in the east; the Cherokee tribe refused and took the matter to the Supreme Court, arguing that they were not subject to state laws. The ruling, that they were neither subject to state laws nor independent, set a dangerous precedent as Native Americans as â€Å"domestic dependents† (47). Again, like slavery, states and races were divided along fault-lines, with radicals on each side respectively supporting Native American protection or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Jeffersonian Political Idealogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Jeffersonian Political Idealogy - Essay Example Jefferson’s influence was instrumental from the beginning. Having authored the Declaration of Independence, he objected to the wording of the Constitution on various points, among these that it made no provisions for individual freedoms, that there were no term limits for the chief executive, and that there was no guarantee of state rights. These objections led to the first Ten Amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights. The last of these amendments stated specifically that "all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people," which came to be a focal point for much of Jefferson’s following political career. With the United States so newly founded, there were many matters of governance still to be addressed. One of the first issues to arise involved Alexander Hamilton’s proposed fiscal plans, which involved the creation of a federal currency and banking institute. The creation of this agenda would ultimately give the national government control over the economy, creating a balanced unification throughout the country while at the same time removing the states’ rights of minting their own currency to control inflation. Because this would help centralize the federal government position of authority, Hamilton and his supporters became known as the Federalists. Jefferson fought this plan, fearing that by all power being given to the Capitol, it would negate the system of checks and balances that had been designed. The Bank of the United States was established in 1791 over Jefferson’s objections, but was given a twenty year charter of operation. The charter, when reviewed at that time, was not renewed, primarily for the initial reasons of contention. More important than fiscal matters, however, was the establishing precedent of opposing political parties. Thomas

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law of Non Contradiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Law of Non Contradiction - Essay Example One can also say that a premise cannot be true and at the same time not true, in the same sense (Anton, 2009). All these three statements express the law of non contradiction. In the problems and challenges that one comes across in one’s day to day life, if approached rationally, yet without adhering to the law of non contradiction, could give way to much confusion (Morrison, 2003). I arrived at this sound conclusion while dealing with my personal aim and ambition to pursue a healthy lifestyle. What one calls a healthy life style is in fact a broad based term that includes within its ambit a range of healthy practices and a long list of does and don’t does. It is only when a person sticks to or diligently pursues a list of practices and norms identified as being precursors and essentials of a healthy lifestyle that one could claim to be leading a positive and healthy life. It also stands to be true that an unhealthy lifestyle also includes within its ambit a list of pra ctices and norms that are not conducive to good health. Going by the fact that a healthy lifestyle is a set of distinct practices and values, as per the law of non contradiction, a lifestyle cannot be both healthy and unhealthy at one and the same time. ... For example when I decided to be committed to leading a healthy lifestyle, I was well aware of the fact that a healthy lifestyle involves eating those things that promote health and well being and avoiding those foods that harm or spoil good health. It naturally follows that when I stick to good and healthy foods that I could consider myself to be leading a healthy lifestyle. However, there did come moments in my life when I tried to cheat by consuming things like fast foods, shakes and sodas, believing that it was alright to have such foods and beverages once in a while, while leading a healthy lifestyle. In other words, I was trying to convince myself that while consuming unhealthy foods at some time in my life and hence leading an unhealthy lifestyle, I was also leading a healthy lifestyle. Now by the law of non contradiction, this was simply not possible. It states that at one time, either I could be pursuing a healthy lifestyle or an unhealthy lifestyle. It was simply not possib le to lead a healthy and an unhealthy life at one and the same time. The premise that logically followed was that while pursuing unhealthy habits and consuming unhealthy foods, I was conclusively following an unhealthy lifestyle at that moment of time, which positively violated my personal commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle. In other words, it meant that while adhering to unhealthy habits at a moment of time, I was positively resorting to an unhealthy life and hence could readily expect the results that go with an unhealthy lifestyle, irrespective of my commitment to stay healthy and fit. This catechism indeed turned out to be an eye opener for me and made me really respect the validity of the law of non contradiction in daily life. There is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Edward Tufte put forward a series of principles for visualisations Essay

Edward Tufte put forward a series of principles for visualisations - Essay Example There is an importance of ensuring that such visual graphics are presented in a way that attracts and not repels the audience. There are various ways in which this might be achieved, and may include ensuring that the graphics are captivating to the eye and proper arrangement of the graphics is attained systematically in the graphical representation. The important aspects of presenting these visual graphics was investigated and presented by Edward Tuft, who presented an influential, approach of presentation of visual graphics through several principles. Tuft argues that graphical excellence in statistical graphics for example, must have complex ideas that are communicated with clarity, efficiency and precision (Seintra, Adriaansen & Liere 2009, 163). Therefore, tuft put forward a few principles that any graphical excellence has to abide with. ... These principles by tuft have to guide the design and presentation of any graphical presentation that effectively serves its purpose as was designed for. According to (Seintra, Adriaansen & Liere 2009, 163), Tuft further considers visualizations that have cluttered graphics, that are incomprehensible as tempting to remove the data. Cluttered information is therefore an aspect of poor design and cannot be considered as being affected by the data presented by such design. (Source: Fig. 1 example of a well designed geovisualization The geovisualization to be investigated against the Tuft principles of visualization is a man showing the physical features of the globe that is found in the following link ( ). This geovisualization has been selected due to its unique presentation aspects that the designer of this map incorporated and the different perspectives in which the map can be viewed a t. This geovisualization also portrays contrasting features as presented the designer and offers a good model through which Tuft principles of visualization can be well understood. The geovisualization portrays aw old map with all the important physical features visible and with descriptions well embedded in the map. It is an informative geovisualization that can be used to make decisions concerning this subject. One of the conditions as given by Tuft in designing visualization is that such visualization has to be clear and present the graphics and data with precision (Seintra, Adriaansen & Liere 2009, 163). The geovisualization in question has well portrayed these conditions in that the maps as representing the continents are clear and well visible with precision, it is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Migration Definition Essay Example for Free

Migration Definition Essay MIGRATION: Migration is a world wide phenomenon that can be viewed in either a modern or historical perspective. Historically speaking, migration has been happening for hundreds of years for various reasons such as racism, war invasions, search for a better life, famine, and poor weather conditions. Modernly speaking, in a great majority of cases, people have poor and developing countries that cant provide good conditions for living and raising a family causing them to migrate to another location to in search of a better life style. Sometimes, in search of better education, one would migrate to another location to fulfill their destiny. Some even migrate in need to find unknown relatives that share the same bloodline as them due to fact there was a disconnection in where the family split through migration. But there are plenty of reasons for migration in where a person just wants to relocate for their specific reasons. Migrations even plays a role in population, and even bringing in a new culture. Today, I will enlighten you about this topic by discussing the migration that occurred through out Barack Obamas and his families life. Also, I will speak upon the Dust Storm that played a role in migration. To add on, I will inform you about he migration that occurred through out my relatives lives. And finally, I will speak upon the migration that occurred through out the movie Scarface that starred Al Pacino that played Tony Montanas role. My parents werent born in the United States, but they were looking for better lives and opportunities, so they migrated from Haiti to the United States. My parents growing up in such a poor country that didnt provide much opportunity for them to be able to live a decent lifestyle forced them to migrate. In search of education, jobs, money, and opportunity, they decided to start a new life in the united States. When waking up not knowing when you or your family are going to have the next meal, are you going to find the money to pay the landlord, can you pay your childrens education, afford medicine for when someone in your family that is severely sick, or any specific cause that revolves around unobtainable cash, can drive a person a stress level very high. In desperate need to escape hardship, hearing about the United States and what it had to offer such as opportunities, free education, and work, it was a done deal, they moved on forward. It was a every day struggle in Haiti for my parents, and they thought leaving Haiti coming to America was the only solution to end the struggle and give them a better life to live. Due to difficult times and hard measures, sometimes it is inevitable to stop yourself from migrating to another location hoping for the better. And also, in search of better education, giving you chances to better opportunities in life, will persuade you to migrate to another location that is willing to provide that. There are various reasons in which someone can migrate and through out reading Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama, Ive consumed particular reasons. In this book, Barack Obama explains his life and the life of his parents. Through out the reading, he elaborates on all the various migrations he has done along with his parents. In Dreams from My Father, President Obama informs us on plenty of migration that occurred through out his family. Barack Obama, the son of Barack Obama Sr. who is from Kenya, and Ann Dunham who is from Kansas, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father and mother had divorced and his mother met Lolo Soetoro, a javanese surveyor from Indonesia. Both Lolo and Baracks mother attended the same university. His mother and Lolo ended up getting married together and his new stepfather moved to jakarta, Indonesia shortly after graduating from the University of Hawaii. Obamas mother graduated from the university as well and decided to move also to go join her new husband. Obama moved to Indonesia leaving Hawaii to live with his mother and he spent ages six to ten there attending school. As years went by, he moved back to hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. He had earned a scholarship which enabled him to attend a college preparatory school from fifth grade till he graduated high school. His mother got a chance to stay with him for three years along with his sister but he wanted to return to Indonesia to do her anthropology field work, but Obama decided to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents for high school. After graduating high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental college. During that period of time, he decided to visit his mother in Indonesia, and then after travel to Pakistan and India to visit college classmate families. Later, Obama decided to transfer to Colombia University in New York City where he majored in political science. he graduated from there with a bachelor and received two jobs in New York while he stayed there for a year. he later received a job in Chicago where he moved there and was a director of the Developing Com munities Project. Obama wanted to connect with the black community more due to him being confused growing up half white and black. After, Obama travelled to Europe for the first time for a period of three weeks and then decided to travel to Kenya for five weeks to meet unknown relatives from his fathers side to bond. Later, Obama then decided to attend Harvard Law School moving to Massachusetts. After graduating, he left and went back to Chicago. He later got a job again in Chicago where he got a book deal with the University of Chicago Law School. He later ended up becoming a teacher at the University. With him being a civil rights attorney and all the extracurricular activities he was involved in, that lead him to being state senator. Obama travelled back one to Kenya to trace his fathers foot steps. Through out reading chapter 11: Dust Bowl Odyssey from the book called After the Fact: the Art of Historical Detection written by James West Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle, this chapter enlightened me a lot about the topic of migration showing me how poor weather conditions can play a big role in causing people to migrate. The dust storms caused people to migrate because of the fact that it brought in famine and unemployment. The poor weather conditions in that area were so horrible, it just caused poor living conditions, which made people have to leave their current location in search of a better life. The Dust storm began May 9, 1934, and by May 11, the dust shifted down to South Atlanta and Boston. Every year on, the storms blew in worst. There were 22 dust storms in total in 1934 and it grew to 72 storms by 1937. The storms were so intense, people thought it was the wrath of god in where when the rain failed them, the crops withered, and the winds hurdled the loose soil across the nation. The crops kept falling, the farmers debts kept growing, and soon the banks repossessed the farmers farms. Several farming states felt the wrath of the storms coming in. After watching the storms effects, statistics showed how California gained more than a million new residents in the 1930s. Mostly affected by the bad weather and the Great Depression was the south west plains. Unemployment in the region hit one-third of all workers. People started assuming moving to California was the answer to everything at the moment guessing that the state could be helpful at the crisis moment. 43% of California which is nearly half of California, were now farmers and laborers. Families walked to California in search of a better life. 95% of all southwestern migrants to California were white. The population in California was growing fast and California didnt know how to control this migration, so billboards started to come up saying things such as no jobs in California, 6 men for every job, no state relief available for non residents, and keep out. Although Californias economy suffered and unemployment,remained serious, the state of california was much better off than most of the nation. The economy of California actually grew during the 1930s. Good Highways, bus routes, and railroads linked the southwestern plains to California. Because the trip was was so manageable, most families did not necessarily see their move as permanent. By 1940, 83% of all men in the city were eligible to wok had found jobs. Only 28% of the dust bowls refugees found their way. Migration was causing farmers to make deficit in profit. This migration caused regular farmers from California to complain about farmer migrators and made foul remarks towards them. The United States has been transformed by a civil rights revolution ever sine the dust storms swept across the south western plains. It has been reminded of its diversity by the renewed tide of immigration in the wake of the Immigration Reform Act of 1964. For example, in the 1983 film called Scarface directed by Brian DePalma which starred famous actor Al Pacino who played the lead role character of Tony Montana in the movie, migration played a major factor in why Tony Montana reached the success he did in he film. Tony Montana was from Cuba and after departing from there in search of his American Dream , he tried to migrate to the United States but was denied by INS officials who seemed to believe he was involved in political criminal activities . So, they detained him and sent him to a camp called Freedomtown under a expressway with other fellow Cubans while the government reviewed their visa petitions. While incarcerated in that camp, Montana was offered a deal to kill a former aide of Fidel Castro called Rebanga for a visa by Frank Lopez (a wealthy, political astute man who dealt cars and was involved in the drug trade) for the simple fact Rebanga tortured Franks brother to death. But in desperate need of that visa, to escape the poor life in Cuba, he murdered Rebanga, and then departed to come to Florida. In Florida, he got involved into the drug trade and got into certain situations which lead him to meeting a drug lord called Sosa. By Tony Montana migrating to Bolivia for Franks personal business purposes, Montana and Sosa make friendship, which leads to Tony taking over the cocaine business in Florida. Even though the story ends very brutal with the death of Tony, migration was the cause of why Tony reached his success illegally due to the fact of him trying to escape poverty and search for his American Dream. As you can see, migration plays a big role in the world that we live. Migration is the cause of population increase and decrease. People migrate in cause of chasing a better life style in which they are trying to escape the bad living. People migrate in search of education, jobs, family, opportunities, escaping poverty, famine, and poor living. Migration is the key to success in some cases, in where finding another location to live can branch them off into great possibilities. Migration can cause reduction in money that used to be obtained regularly due to increase in venture. Migration basically has its ups and downs, should be controlled due to population increase which may have its consequences. But, migration has its pros and cons where it could be beneficial for the migrator or not be beneficial for the people of origin in the location the migrator moved. Work Cited: DePalma, Brian Stone, Oliver. Scarface Obama, Barack. Dreams From My Father 1995 West, James Mark Hamilton. After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection : chapter 11

Factors affecting the resistance of a wire Essay Example for Free

Factors affecting the resistance of a wire Essay Theory: When an object is lifted up, work is done. Once the object is in the raised position, it has gravitational potential energy. The energy it is has is the same as the work done to get there. When the ball is lifted to the height it will be dropped from it will, therefore, gain gravitational potential energy. This means that when my ball is in the raised position it will have gravitational potential energy. The equation for this is: Potential energy = Mass x gravity x height When the ball is dropped this is converted into K. The equation for this is: Kinetic Energy = 1/2 x mass x velocity2. However, the energy transfer is not perfect. Some of the energy will be wasted as non-useful energy, mainly heat and sound. This means that when the ball bounces upwards again, it will not have as much energy as when it was dropped and will therefore not bounce up to the same height. Because some of the energy is wasted as heat and sound. The amount of kinetic energy at the end is always less than the amount of potential energy you had to start with. This means that the ball will not bounce up as high, and therefore not have as much potential energy as it started with. Prediction: In this investigation I will investigate the percentage energy loss when a ball bounces. The variables that could affect the amount of energy lost are:   The height the ball is dropped from. The type of ball used   The size of the ball The temperature of the ball.   The type of surface the ball is dropped on. The height the ball is dropped from will affect the energy lost because the higher the ball is dropped from the more force it will it the surface with, and therefore the more power it will lose through sound, vibrations, and heat. The type of ball I use will effect my results, because some balls will have more elasticity than others, causing them to bounce higher. Also, balls will have different levels of pressure inside them. The higher pressure is the higher the speed of the molecules. When the molecules go at a higher speed they will have more kinetic energy, so the molecules will hit the walls with a greater frequency and force, and so the pressure on the walls will increase. This will make the ball bounce higher because it will hold more energy. The size of the balls will effect my results because Force=Pressure x Area so a change in area would also cause a change in force. The temperature of the ball will effect my results because if there is a higher temperature then the molecules will move at a greater speed and the ball will have more energy causing it to bounce higher. The surface I drop my ball onto will effect the amount of energy lost because some surfaces, like softer surface, will absorb more energy and cause the ball not to bounce up as high. To ensure a fair test I will choose one variable to change, and keep the others constant throughout the investigation. There are other variables that could effect the outcome of my investigation, for example gravity. However, gravity is always constant on the earth, and is a force of about 9. 8 m/s2. This would be too hard for me to change in a classroom situation. I will also not exert any force on the ball other than those already acting on it, because it would be to hard to keep the force constant, and would mean the test was not fair. For this investigation I will only change the height the ball is dropped from. I have chosen to use the height because, although all the variables are hard to accurately measure, height is easier than the others. Height is also a constant variable (unlike, type of ball or type of surface dropped on), which will help me when recording my results. Using a variable that I can measure fairly accurately will help ensure a fair test. By investigating the percentage of energy lost when I drop the balls from different heights, I will be able to see if there is a relationship between bounce height and drop height. This is also the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy. Because some of the energy will be transferred into non-useful energy, mainly heat and sound, I do no think the ball will bounce up to the same height as it is dropped from. I think that the percentage of energy lost will remain approximately the same no matter what height I drop the ball from. This is because the amount of energy lost to non-useful energy such as heat and sound is proportional to the gravitational potential energy the ball has to start with. Method: I will drop my balls from various heights up to a meter. (The Heights I will use will be: 40cm, 60cm, 80cm and 100cm) I will then record how high they bounce up on the next bounce. I will do each experiment 3 times and take an average to ensure I have accurate results. I will time all my experiments using a stopwatch. I learnt in my preliminary work, that if I drop a ball from lower than 40cm it is very hard to measure the bounce height. This is why I have left out the bottom height which would have been 20cm. I will try and drop the balls straight downwards because this will make it easier when I measure the height they bounce up to, as I wont have to move the ruler too much. This will also ensure a fair test, as my results will be more accurate if I am not moving the meter rule, as moving it could mean it is not entirely straight and would cause me to take an inaccurate measurement. I will not exert any force on the balls as I drop then, because it would be virtually impossible to keep the force constant, and would therefore make my results unreliable. I will calculate how much energy my balls have using the equation PE = mgh, this will be PE1. I will then drop my ball and record the height it bounces up to. I will then record its potential energy, again using the formula PE = mgh, this will be PE2. I will then find the percentage of energy they have lost using the formula.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Importance Of Translating Messages

The Importance Of Translating Messages One of the main concerns of translation studies is the problem of accuracy: how much freedom the translator is allowed when interpreting a text from one language into another; whether he/she has to concentrate on the content or on the atmosphere of the piece of literature. In this paper, by comparing and contrasting the theory of Noam Chomsky (as presented in Syntactic Structures, 1957) and the one emerging from it by Eugene A. Nida (in Toward a Science of Translating, 1964), the core message of a text will be proven to be one the most important features. First of all, according to Edwin Gentzler (1993), despite the fact that Chomskys work was not specifically meant to be a part of translation studies, Nida adopted several aspects of it into his own, as, in the words of Gentzler (1993), Chomsky was literally a Godsend for Nida (p. 46) literally, because the main field of Nidas research involved the translation of the Bible. To get a clearer impression about their theories, it is essential to become familiar with them. As Gentzler (1993) points out, Noam Chomsky was more interested in the rules and structures of grammar than deep structures. His theory involves three levels of conceptualization: (1) a base component made up of phrase structure rules that generate (2) a deep structure, which in turn is changed, via transformational rules into (3) a surface structure (Gentzler, 1993: 46). This concept was significantly altered in Nidas adaptation. As Snell-Hornby (1988) describes him, in the United States the most influential scholar was undoubtedly Eugene A. Nida (p. 14) who was originally engaged in the invention of a methodology for Bible translations in order to help missionaries deliver the core message of the book. According to Gentzler (1993), he was appalled by nineteenth-century tendencies of preferring literal translation to the meaning. As cited in Gentzler (1993), he claimed that the words [of the American Standard Version of the Bible] may be English, but the grammar is not; and the sense is quite lacking (p. 45). To solve the problem, he took Chomskys theory and, to make it fit into his own invention, simplified it by omitting the first component. In this way, he created a system from generative grammar exclusively for translation practice, and it became quite popular. As Gentzler (1993) points out, both Chomskys and Nidas model agree on a deep, coherent, and unified entity which is the same in every language, and only changes in the surface structure, i.e. when presented in different languages (p. 46). However, the two theories take disparate ways in analysing the core: Chomsky is more concerned about universal rules of grammar and universal lexical forms, whereas Nida tends to discover an original divine message (Gentzler, 1993: 47). Despite the religious undertone, Nidas viewpoint seems more relevant for translation studies than Chomskys: it is the exact interpretation of the message that should be considered as priority, not the pursuit of creating sentences in the target language grammatically as close as possible to the ones in the original text but then again, Chomskys model has not been developed for the field Nida uses it. Actually, as mentioned by Gentzler (1993), Nida ventures further into the matter, and states that the core message is so important that it must be delivered in any case even by sacrificing the original sentences to bend them to the needs of the cultural peculiarities of the target language. For instance, he translates the phrase Lamb of God as Seal of God for Eskimo language, since for the Eskimos, the seal is the animal equivalent of the lamb in regards of sacrifice (Snell-Hornby, 1988: 19). It is one of his techniques of adjustment (Chesterman, 2005: 20). For him, it is not the sign that matters, but the response to the sign (Gentzler, 1993: 53), because as long as it makes people behave the way God wants them to, his interpretation is correct, regardless the changes in the text. He calls this kind of translation faithful, which is somewhat ironical, since the word has traditionally [] been reserved for literal translations (Gentzler, 1993: 58). However, since he privileges the me aning above the form, it fits into his theory quite well. Gentzler (1993) mentions another difference between Chomskys and Nidas model: the methodology. Although Chomsky agrees with the crucial role of the core or deep structure, it is antithetic to his views to execute such practices that Nida does who demolishes the sentences into deep structure, carries it into the target language, and then finally, uses it to rebuild the sentences in the target language. It is true that in regards of the method described above, Nida clearly diverges from Chomsky, but translation-wise, it seems rather efficient (like the example with the Eskimos). There is one aspect in which Gentzler (1993) clearly disagrees with Nida: he claims that Nidas advices for translators to agree with or even admire the original author of the text is a considerably dangerous one, because they could fall prey to the so-called intentional fallacy (p. 57). Unfortunately, his fears seem valid: however beneficiary it is to understand the tiniest subtleties of the writer as a translator, one should rather not let his/her very self and opinions flow excessively into the work of another person, since he/she is only a chain which connects the original text and the translation. Too much self-identification may result in the alteration of the core message. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that, according to the theory of Eugene A. Nida, in order to present a text to a language whose speakers live in a completely different culture than the speakers of the source language, a translator is permitted to take liberations when interpreting the sentences. Naturally, the occasions at which the cultural gap between the nations is so vast that between English and Eskimo occur quite rarely, but the subtleties are always present when a text is translated from one language to another and even one mistranslated word can cause tragedies. References: Chesterman, A. (2005). Problems With Strategies. In K. Kà ¡roly à . Fà ³ris (Eds.), New Trends in Translation Studies (pp. 17-28). Budapest: Akadà ©miai Kiadà ³. Gentzler, E. (1993). Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge. Shell-Hornby, M. (1988). Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Rock :: Essays Papers

The Rock He is a three-time world wrestling federation champion and a two time intercontinental champion. He was born on May 2, 1972 is 6’5 and weighs 275 pounds. He goes by the name Dwayne Johnson, calls himself the â€Å"People’s Champion† and otherwise known as â€Å"The Rock.† Other than having the pretty face that Hollywood was looking for, The Rock had to go through many steps as an â€Å"actor† before he became well known. However, the rock graduated from the University of Miami as an all -American Football player. Right away, he was entered into the realm of entertainment. This in turn was called a secondary effect because The Rock being a football player was entertainment and attracted the media’s attention. He was as Gabler states, â€Å"a performing artist.† (Gabler pg. 4) He was ready to enter the world of a celebrity and a star. Inside Wrestler magazine says that The Rock has the â€Å"same ‘X’ factor† as the Phantom of the Opera, â€Å"able to choreograph a rowdy mass of wrestling fans with a simple catch phrase, a dramatic pause, or a little lift of the eyebrow†(March 2001). The public considers the Rock to be a celebrity being that he has gone from music, to commercials, to sports, and journalism. He has starred on Saturday Night Live, That 70’s Show, and will soon be featured in the sequel to â€Å"The Mummy† as the Scorpion King. He is an entertainer who loves performing for the crowd. As he himself said, â€Å"Always entertaining the fans and knowing that I’m entertaining them-that’s the goal, to entertain the fans and nothing compares to that.† Each time he appears somewhere knew it adds to his popularity more and more. You start to conform to this so- called â€Å"reality.† The Rock plays many different roles and has many different names, that one might wonder which he really is. When he is wrestling, he is the Rock and when you research about him, as we did for this paper, we found out his birth name being Dwayne Johnson, and then of course, what he likes to refer to himself as, the â€Å"People’s Champion. These are just a few examples. He takes upon the role of an â€Å"actor† in so many different aspects that he himself becomes comfortable with what he is playing, and eventually this in turn takes over parts of him as a person.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Racial Profiling by Police Essay -- Stop and Frisk

The Fourth Amendment protects the right of people to be secure in their persons, ‘ houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures†¦ (108). Under the Fourth Amendment the legal constraints placed on police and the rules they must follow for â€Å"Stop and Frisk† happened as a result of the â€Å"Terry v. Ohio â€Å"case (162). The constraints are that the police cannot stopped and frisk people without reasonable suspicion probable cause or a warrant. Before 1968 the police could search a suspect only if they had probable cause. After the Terry case the police may conduct a frisk search of a suspect’s outer clothing only if there was reasonable suspicion. The U.S. Supreme Court definition of â€Å"Frisk† is: a patting down of the outer clothing of a suspect based on the reasonable suspicion, designed to protect a police officer from attack with a weapon when making an inquiry. A â€Å"Search† is an exploration for evidence. Although frisk are restricted to a search for weapons that may pose an immediate threat to the officer’s safety, the Court concluded that cases as these are decided by their own facts; generally, however, police officers who see unusual conduct that leads them to conclude that criminal activity are involved and that the persons are armed and dangerous are entitled to conduct â€Å"a carefully limited search of the outer clothing of such persons trying to discover weapons† that may be used to assault them (163) Such a frisk are reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, and any weapons seized is introduced in evidence. Reasonable suspicion is when a police officer has good reason to believe that criminal activity may be occurring as in the case of â€Å"Terry v. Ohio† (162). The police officer observed thre... ...s under O’Malley (100,000) that O’Malley won by a landslide by the number of arrest made. On the other hand Mayor Rawlings engaged the targeted approached and went after violent and repeated offenders which resulted in a decrease in homicide to fewer than 200 in 2011. Racial profiling contributes to many frivolous minor infractions that burdens the prosecutors to bring these cases to court. The court are overwhelmed with trying these cases and that takes time away from the more violent cases As a result the correctional facilities becomes overcrowded which cost the state money. Policing must not be initiated by numbers, race, ethnicity or national origin. Racial profiling violates an individual’s civil right and if being done it violates the 4th Amendment right. â€Æ' Works Cited Albanese, Jay S. Criminal Justice. Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2013. Print.

Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman :: essays research papers

Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman It was an early Saturday morning, about 6:00am. I was Awake and dressed ready to fish! I had been preparing for the fishing derby for about 1 month and was ready to win. I got to the lake at about 6:30 and started to fish. As the day progressed more and more people showed up. Before noon there was no place to sit around the lake and people couldn't fish. Lines were being crossed and people were getting kind of mad. Beside me was an old, hardened looking man who i just ignored.Then finially i had a bite! I looked at the line and instantly jerked back the rod and reeled as hard as i could. I fought the fish for 5 or 10 min and netted it up. Not a bad catch, it was only a catfish but it was fair sized.But the guy beside me didn't seem to think so he looked at it and gave a little laugh and kept on fishing. I really didn't know what to think, was he laughing at something i didn't see or was there something wrong with my fish? I just disregarded it and continued fishing. Then as i was getting bored and drowsey I heard a yelp and the old man shot up. He had a bite! As he was fighting it he started talking and telling me how to catch a REAL fish not the guppy in my bucket. As he talked and talked the fish got closer and closer and he netted it up and took a look. The fish was about half the size of mine but it was a carp not a catfish. I gave a little laugh and continued and he tried to explain...."well you see boy, a carp is a hell of alot harder to hook than a catfish. Carp don't just eat everything they see, they're very selective. So if I were you I wouldn't laugh to hard just yet". I wasn't to sure if the information was legit but i really doubted it so I just went on with my fishing. It was getting close to weigh-on time so i had to get a better fish. Then the out of all the things that could happen, the old guy gets a fish on his line, and it was a big one! He fought the monster and got it to shore and as he was netting it he fell in the lake. Not in the deep part, only waist deep but I

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Changing Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People

Since the European invasion in 1788, Aboriginals have been treated poorly by the Australian government and have struggled to retain their rights and freedoms. Conflict emerged as the British colony expanded and Aboriginal land was taken from them. Due to conflict between the Aborigines and the British settlers, they were treated poorly and were refused rights and freedom. They were at risk under unfair industrial relations processes where they were not awarded equal pay, poor access to housing and reasonable living conditions, and on-going discrimination in Australian society. Overtime, aborigines contested leading to the change unequal government policies allowing them to obtain land rights, the reconciliation after issue with the stolen generation and the 1967 referendum which resulted with the inclusion of aborigines in the Australian constitution. There were many changes in the government policies overtime from initially being paternalistic to reconciliation. â€Å"Protection† was the first policy introduced relating to Indigenous people. It started due to the reduction in the Aboriginal population, and a growing consciousness of the general mistreatment of Aboriginal people. While this policy of protection commenced from 1869 to 1937, many civil rights of the aborigines were negated by the government. The Government were in control of the movement of Aboriginal people, leisure and sporting activities, work, earnings and possessions of Aboriginal people and marriages and family life. Continuing difficulties and criticisms of the treatment of Aboriginal people lead to the policy of â€Å"Assimilation† being introduced. In 1937 the commonwealth Government held a national conference on Aboriginal affairs. According to this new policy of ‘assimilation’, Aboriginal people would lose their identity but have their ‘status’ raised. The Assimilation Policy meant that the Aboriginal people were forced to stop the practices of their culture and adopt the culture and lifestyle of the white Australians, or the ‘majority'. Discrimination continued against the aboriginals and racism continued to spread, resulting in the eventual end of this policy in 1965. After the failure of the assimilation policy, the Commonwealth Government announced its policy of â€Å"Integration† in 1965 and then did little towards it. The policy meant that Indigenous Australians would be able to voice and openly celebrate their cultural differences. Aboriginal people are supposed to have more control over their life and society. The introduction of the policy self-determination was followed not long after. This was a policy of facilitating Indigenous people’s involvement in decision making for and management of their community. With this policy many aboriginal organisations developed to assist Aboriginal people to acquire land, to engage in business enterprises and to obtain finance for housing and other personal needs. On 2 September 1991, the federal Parliament unanimously passed the Council for â€Å"Reconciliation† Act. The Act established the 25-member Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. The Council lobbied for recognition of customary law, self-government for Indigenous Australians, compensation for past injustices, a settlement of native title issues and recognition within the Constitution of Indigenous people’s rights. Reconciliation awaits the achievement of justice with regard to Indigenous land rights and to equity with other Australians in health, living conditions, education and employment. It was the final step towards improving equality within Australian society. The Indigenous Australian children known as the â€Å"Stolen Generations† were the result from a policy introduced in 1901. It was a dark time in Australian history where aboriginals were denied their rights and freedoms. This policy allowed children of Indigenous Australian and European descent to be removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments. This act was seen as an act of protection of Indigenous Australian children. These children were known as the stolen generations. The forced removal of Indigenous Australian children from their families was an official government policy designed to ‘assimilate’ or ‘breed out’ Indigenous people. It was estimated that 100,000 Indigenous Australian children were taken from their families and raised in homes or adopted by white families, up until the 1960s. Many of these children suffered abuse in their adoptive or foster homes and was not allowed to complain. Not only that the abduction was traumatic for the children, but also for the families, they were too, physically, psychologically and emotionally harmed. And by the late 1980’s, many of these children from the stolen generation lost their links with family and land, lost their understanding of kinship and missed out on being educated in the language, culture and traditions of their people. Many cultural and spiritual ties were crippled not only for the individuals, but families and even the whole communities. Change of rights and freedoms of Indigenous Australians was said to be the influence of the 1967 referendum. It was a vote that approved two amendments to the Australian constitution relating to Indigenous Australians. The 1967 Referendum proposed to include Aboriginal people in the census and to allow the Commonwealth government to make laws to improve rights and freedoms for Aboriginal people. On 27 May 1967, 90. 77% of Australian voters recorded the largest ever ‘Yes’ vote in a referendum to alter the Australian constitution. This referendum finally enabled Aboriginal people to be counted in the national census and to be subject to Commonwealth laws, rather than just state laws. On 10 August 1967 the act changing the Constitution became law in Australia. The Aboriginals worked hard and protested to achieve this, but many were disappointed prior to the 1967 referendum, not much changed for them and did not reduce the inequality. The referendum did not carry out their commitments in improving health, housing, employment and education for the Indigenous people. Though it was not as effective as it was thought to be, it was a large contribution in their fight for equal rights and freedom and the beginning of reconciliation. The change of equal rights and freedom for Aboriginals was a long and hard process. Indigenous Australians were treated poorly since 1788 settlement with unfair industrial relations processes where they were not awarded equal pay, poor access to housing and reasonable living conditions, and on-going discrimination in Australian society. It has taken many decades for any real change around land rights, discriminatory practices, financial assistance and preservation of cultural heritage to occur. Though many changes in rights and freedoms of aboriginals have been made, there are still many issues unsolved and will be a long time before they do. But so far, compared to a few decades before, Aboriginals have accomplished and gained many rights and freedoms since the British Settlement in 1788.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Are Some Ways of Knowing More Likely Than Others to Lead to Truth? Essay

Most populate cogitate that money soak ups the world go round. merely scholars weigh new(prenominal)wise. It is the friendship of how to acquire riches and of how to make the most of it is re tout ensembley the crucial factor. Humans couldnt project k straight off this world with all its richness in resources and mysteries without ample knowledge of how to do so. It is the gift of knowledge that has specialize benignants apart(predicate) from both other living species. So it is scarcely proper that scholars delve into studying the excogitation of knowledge for us to recognise it better. To be more specific, this school of concept is called the theory of Knowledge. possibility of knowledge is to a fault kn decl atomic number 18 as Epistemology. What is so special(a) well-nigh possibleness OF Knowledge is that it is widely considered as the most important sub-field of philosophy. The Theory of knowledge had made signifi supportt promotions since it was runner formally study. plainly even though it has already presented m any(prenominal) a(prenominal) different slipway to find oneself the lawfulness, many noneffervescent ask Are some ship canal of designed more resemblingly to be successful to lead to the righteousness than other methods (ship canal of Knowing). Scholars take a shit dedicated their studies for the further advancement of the Theory of Knowledge. They have gone done and finished unfathomable debates and research for the advancement of the field. This is beca hurtle on of the demand for better understanding is ever-increasing as military personnel progresses.The law is what e reallyone wants. What makes things elusive for scholars studying the Theory of Knowledge is that many philosophers overly bespeak that the law movenot be contained, it sternnot be resolved, it is unattain adequate to(p). However, the Theory of Knowledge counters the argument by presenting to us five ways of knowing that could instigate us in obtaining the trueness. The five ways of knowing be logic, revelation, oral communication, sense, and emotion. Let us break-dance further details almost the five ways of knowing and impose if one enkindle be the outdo way of getting to the truth ( scarcelychvarov 1970). find For psychologists, sense or perception pertains to the processes that necessitate the acquisition, organization, interpretation, and selection of randomness acquired through the embodied senses. These conventional senses that we are familiar with are namely sight, relishing, touch, smell, and hearing. Sensory information is fundamentally acquired through sensory organs that send away be found in the human anatomy.We can be easily acquaint with this particular way of knowing beca drug ab employ we spue it into delectation on a periodic basis. We ingestion our eyes to view colors, we can tell the difference in hear between an frost cream and fish, we example our hands to feel rough and down surfaces, we uptake our ears to listen to music. These are pragmatic things we do everyday that we put into call to know, to obtain truth (Gibson 1966). beyond the five senses that we are familiar with, in that respect are also addition to the uncorrupted senses like temperature, balance, pain, and other recently studied sense that would be too adept to discuss in this paper. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a French phenomological philosopher, argues that sense is the foundation of all knowledge and attainments. Even though sense itself cannot make up meaning to the objects it senses in this world, the person is able to give meaning from his or her own consciousness. The do of the senses requires constant commit for it to give meaning to the objects in this world. As we put into practice our senses, we develop what is called mental models. As the tidings suggests, as sensory information is sent to our brain, we develop models that we can use as reference if ever t he senses insure the object again. It is like making imprints in our brain about the things around us. With the use of sense as an betterment to obtaining truth, humanness can obtain the truth, or at least have an idea, by victimization the brains capabilities. In simpler terms, with the use of senses, humans make the full use of what they intrinsically have, our very own bodies. The scarcely drawback I can offer about apply senses to obtain truth is that we cant always gain approach to the objects involved in our queries. For example, if we hear a radio advertisement about ice cream stating that it is sweet, we cant authorize the claim since we are only development hearing, we wear upont actually taste the real thing.Logic If we go into the etymology of the volume logic, we could unearth meanings like reasoning, argument, idea, principle, and thought. It is in the first place concerned with the severeness of inferences. It is considered a ramification of philosophy. Im manuel Kant argued that logic should be a science devoted to studying judgments (Russel 1917). Logic, like senses, also makes use of the capabilities of the human brain. If we use this as an approach to obtain truth, logic assesses all possible arguments, eliminates all improbable answers to acclaim up with the most convincing. Logic can be a very competent way to obtain truth. Actually, it is as utilize as senses, also in a daily basis. save oftentimes we get it on across things that our minds cant comprehend. This is because logic, like sense, makes use of what we already know.So if we use logic in questions about the instauration of ghosts, we hastily jump to conclusion that they dont exist because it defies logic. The bother hither is that there are people who believe in the human beings of ghosts. So the existence of two different truths makes either feeble. wrangle Language is basically our means of communication. It oddly refers to the use of various forms of communi cation and the set conventional rules that governs its usage (Crystal 2001). Personally I wouldnt use language to educe truth. Humans have developed the use of language far more than any specie could have. Humans have accommodate so adept in employ language that we can easily verify it. If language is used in conclave with logic and reasoning, humans can make truths come out of nowhere. Moreover, there is the concept of lying that can lead us farther from the truth. For example, if there is a streamlet in court. The lawyers from the two opposing parties have different interest. They defend their arguments with adept use language. The problem may arise if the artless caller, shall I say was outspoken by the opposing party. Then the judge was affect by the adept use of language even though the opposing party was just presenting lies all the time, just disquisition them in a very silvery manner. Thus the verdict testament just be decided by how address were used. The verdi ct will be considered the truth however it is far from the real thing. perception There are so many definitions for the word emotion. Actually, there is no universally agreed term for the word emotion. tally to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, it is a complex reception pattern that a person uses to approach a significant and personal matter. possibly feelings would make the subject of emotions lots simpler. Feelings are the experiences that come with emotions. Feelings are very effective tools for obtaining truth. Humans have this unexplainable expertness to know things just be using their feelings. There are such evasive concepts such as gut-feel and motherly instincts (Cornelius 1996). But the problem with using feelings to obtain truth is that emotions and feelings are very prone to be aslant. Also since emotions are complex in nature, it will also provide us complex results. I believe that the truth should be unbiased before it is presented or accepted. For example, I wi ll use the judicature scenario again, the truth is that the defendant really did the misdemeanour he is accused of. He and so delivered a very empathic oral communication that convinced the jury. The decision of the jury had a expectant impact on the terminal verdict. Once again, it failed to obtain truth as the jury felt that the defendant was innocent. later all, a feeling is only a feeling and certainly not of necessity the truth.Revelation And last but in spades not the least, we have revelation as a way of knowing. Revelation, as the word suggests, is about a disclosure that has been provided by a divine being. What has been divulge is something initially unknown and implausible for humans to uncover. We can also call this divine intervention. The realizations and messages disclosed during revelations transcend the known boundaries of human comprehension.We are familiar with revelations as it happened to the most known prophets that later on became the proponents of t he worlds most popular religions. Most of the example that the revelations happen to the prophets is when they are in a meditating or in a reverie state. Some accounts of revelations happen in dreams. But revelations are not exclusive to great prophets. Actually there are much many accounts of revelation to normal people (Franz 1975). Probably the trump example of the use of revelations is on the sanctified books of the worlds most popular religions. These holy books are distributed around the globe in countless copies. The religions devout followers live their lives harmonise to the delivery of these scriptures. It is because these people believe these words to be the truth.That these words are the very words of God himself. Many may challenge the level of truthfulness of these holy scriptures. But if they take in affection what weve learned in theory of knowledge, we will discover we shouldnt challenge the validity of these scriptures. We are talking about religion here, f aith is something that cant be easily shattered within a person. When we say that a certain smell is someones faith, that automatically counts as that someones truth.Conclusion thought and logic could have been the best ways to knowing the truth. However they both barbarous short as both of them have certain limitations. Both of these ways of knowing is relying much to the capabilities of the brain, which we know as of now is very limited. Language and emotions are too complex to put into use of obtaining the truth. And the problem was both of them often leads to a biased truth, which we cant categorize as a genuine truth. As the best ay of knowing the truth, I preferred it through revelation. The other ways of knowing the truth made me realize how hard it is to obtain truth. Also, the word faith comes with the rod revelation. I believe we should be faithful to what is true. Im aware that it is still difficult to prove revelations through physical evidence. But we dont need any o f that evidence if we get our goal, the truth. Maybe the truth is really far from the reaches of our comprehension. Maybe if we research more the possibilities of revelations may it be through religious meditations or simple dreaming.whole kit and boodle CitedButchvarov. The Concept of Knowledge. Evanston, Northwestern University Press. 1970Cornelius, R. The science of emotion. naked Jersey Prentice Hall. 1996Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the face Language. Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press. 2001Gibson, James J. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Boston. 1966Raymond Franz. The suppress Time for God to Act. Crisis of Conscience,.1975. pp. 237253Russell, Bertrand. Mysticism and Logic. London. Allen and Unwin. 1917Ways of Knowing. Problems of Knowing and Linking Questions. 7 January 2008

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

Prerequisites are categorized in many of ways.PharmacistThe system high alert the pharmacy with medicine orderThe system will allows final approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy clinical guideline *The system allows approval from Pharmacist to click send order to tech for processingThe system allow prior approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the techSystem send the new order to the nurse for administer the drugs.4. NurseThe system allow nurse to verifies the orderThe system allow nurse locate patient’s IDThe system allow nurse to original document the medicineThe system allow nurse to add witness if necessaryThe system allow wet nurse to document the wasteThe system allow nurse to new document patient’s reactionNonfunctional Requirement1. OperationalThe system should integrate with the pharmacy systemThe system should social work any web browserThe system should allow the verification for incorrect dosesThe central system should c heck incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugsThe system enable for second alternative options if medicine is out of stockThe system enables the automatically order good for medicine out of stockThe system should allow disapproval or prior approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and forget not meet allergy guideline to be click send back to physician2.Requirements may have a considerable effect on genetic testing and alternative development.Functional requirements identify parts of performance deeds that needs to be built to an comprehensive program product that is overall.

Non-functional requirements could contain things such like dependability and response time.Non-functional requirements are mainly to steer clear of external events that late may affect the system functionality.Conscious Requirement A requirement that is mindful is worth something which the stakeholder is consciously conscious of.A functional demand has number a own name summary and a rationale.

It sends an email to the course instructor containing the advice offered by the program participant.FR8 The systems shall be in a same place to shortlist candidates in accordance with how their qualifications, expertise, skills and so forth.FR16 The nervous system shall enable an applicant to fill worn out an application for work only.Of course, to be aware that it complies with all NFRs, it has to be analyzed.

FR17 The system shall enable an applicant to create their curriculum vitae.Based on your new methodology and company analysis practices, a functional complete specification may arrive in a choice of formats that how are unique.Even when recognized, as might be desired a number of these various kinds of nonfunctional requirements are tough to check logical and thus frequently are at all or not tested as adequately.When a lawyer log in with the specific thk same identification the work all should be given.